Enrolments open soon for 2026
Call us on 9789 2642 for more information



Wonnai Preschool has opted in to the Victorian State Government’s “free kindergarten” scheme for 2026, meaning that there will be no fee per term for children enrolled in a funded place. Funded places at Wonnai Preschool will be at no charge to families in 2026.


Our four-year-old kindergarten program runs at 15 hours per week with the option of either long (2 x 7.5 hour) or short (3 x 5 hour) days.

Our three-year-old kindergarten program runs at 9 hours per week (3 x 3 hour days)

2025 Term Dates

Please click here for our 2025 timetable and term dates.

2026 term dates will be released later in 2025.


Applications for enrolment into kinder programs located in Langwarrin and surrounding suburbs are accepted centrally by the Frankston City Council. Enrolment applications close on 30 April 2024 for 4 year old and 3 August 2024 for 3 year old with places being allocated by the Council shortly thereafter for the 2025 program.
Please note: You do not need to be a Frankston City Council resident to complete an application, however residents are given first preference.

The application process for a place at Wonnai Preschool is detailed below.

  1. Obtain an application form at: https://www.frankston.vic.gov.au/Our_Community/Family_Services/Kindergartens/Kindergartens_Introduction_and_Registration

  2. Complete the application form with Wonnai Preschool as first preference

  3. Submit the application form to Frankston City Council by no later than 30 April 2024 for 4 year old and 3 August 2024 for 3 year old (please note: there is now a non-refundable fee of $26 charged by the Frankston City Council to finalise the registration process)

  4. Notification of the allocation of places
    The Frankston City Council and Wonnai Preschool Enrolment Officers will notify each family in late 2024 regarding the success of your application.

    • If your child is offered a place at Wonnai Preschool then the offer must be accepted with a non-refundable deposit payable to the preschool.

    • If your child is initially unsuccessful in securing a place at Wonnai Preschool you will be notified and provided with waiting list details.


Wonnai Preschool will make every effort to meet family preferences for group allocation where possible. Families that have accepted a first round offer will have priority of group preference over subsequent second and third round offers of enrolment. Where there is an overwhelming preference for one group, Wonnai Preschool may apply a ballot system for allocating children to groups. In line with the Preschool’s Inclusion and Equity Policy, educators and the Committee of Management may guide or determine the placement of an individual child as the need arises (for example to ensure gender balance across a group, or to cater for children with special needs).


Note that to be eligible for entry into 3 year old preschool a child must turn 3 years of age by April 30 to coincide with school entry. A child must be 3 years of age before they commence the program. For entry into the 4 year old program a child must turn 4 years of age by April 30 to coincide with school entry.

Early Start Kindergarten is available for children who turn three by 30 April in the year they will be attending kindergarten, and whose family is known to Child Protection (including those referred directly from Child Protection to Child FIRST), or are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.  Please see this brochure for more information or contact us directly.

Should you have any enrolment or selection queries or would like to tour the preschool, our enrolment officer can be contacted at wonnai.admin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au for more details.